Windows Mail
CLIENT SUPPORT website management
EMAIL ACCOUNTS access and setup
How to retrieve your emails
The following are instructions for your new email account on Microsoft Live Mail
To set up your new account in Microsoft Live Mail
Open Live Mail
Select Accounts tab
Select Add Account.
Type as below using YOUR full email address under "Email address;" and your password:
Type exactly as below using YOUR full email address under "Logon user name":
Select Finish and all should work. If mails do not arrive, please right-click the new email account name, select Properties and make sure the settings below all appear:
How to access your email
You can have as many email addresses as you need! We can manage the accounts for you, supply sign in so you can set up and control your mail boxes or we can update MX mail records to allow your email to be handled by eg another Microsoft 365 account.
Access your emails now
You only need your user name and password to access your email
You can use either Roundcube or Horde (or even both!) - simply try both and use the software which is best for you
email on Office Computers
email on Phones
Web based Mail
Retrieve your mails using your exisiting gmail or Yahoo! account:
Retireve your mail using webmail anywhere on the planet on almost any device: