mike slater web technology

Online Form

Generate an online form using Seren Web's web creation software. Bespoke online forms for your business.

HINT: why not start your form in a clean new page - close this new page to return to this screen: START FORM IN NEW PAGE


Online form Help

Using this online tool you can create your own online forms such as a standard contact form:

Your name

Your email or telephone

Your message


The Title and Introduction

Select "Edit title" to give your form a name and if you wish "Add an introduction" to explain more about your form.

Add a new input

Select "Add another input here" and you can add either a text box, a larger textarea box, radio buttons or tick boxes. Radio buttons allow users to select just one option while, with tick boxes, users can select none, some, or all of the options you offer.

Edit the input or remove

Select "Edit this" to change the text which introduces each data iput and select "Remove" to delete it.